Set in contemporary Melbourne, Lone Wolf tells the story of Winnie, a young woman who runs a struggling political bookshop with her boyfriend Conrad and takes care of her disabled brother. But Winnie’s efforts to hold everything together get thwarted when Conrad becomes entangled in an act of terrorism. “Lone Wolf” is based on Joseph Conrad’s 1907 novel “The Secret Agent.”
- Original Title: Lone Wolf
- Genres: Thriller
- Production Year: 2020
- Country of Origin: Australia
- Language Spoken: English
- Duration: 100 min.
- Screen Ratio: 2.39:1 Scope
- Format: DCP 7.1
- Director: Jonathan Ogilvie
- Cast: Tilda Cobham-Hervey, Josh McConville, Chris Bunton, Diana Glenn, Marlon Williams, Stephen Curry, Tyler Coppin, and Hugo Weaving
- Director of Photography: Geoffrey Simpson ACS
- Film Editors: Bernadette Murray
- Sound Editors: Liam Egan
- Script Writers: Jonathan Ogilvie
- Production Company: Future Pictures
- Producers: Mat Govoni, Adam White, Lee Hubber, Jonathan Ogilvie
- Composers: Jim Cruse, Moogy Morgan, Chris Abrahams, Melanie Oxley
- Executive Producers: Shaun Miller
- Financiers: Screen Australia, Miff Premiere Fund, I&G
Lone Wolf at festivals
2021:Brisbane International Film festival, Australia
Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia
International Film Festival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
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