Park Road is an astounding ensemble story of lies, love, secrets, suburban gravel and black humor..
Each one of the residents of Park Road has a fatal secret that keeps driving them into absurd and comic situations. And it is precisely one of those situations that gets the story going and forces the siblings Katrine, Sune and Mathilde to flee the big city and seek refuge in the safe and idyllic suburban community of Park Road.
- Original Title: Lærkevej
- Genres: TV Series
- Production Year: 2009
- Country of Origin: Denmark, Denmark
- Language Spoken: Danish
- Duration: 10x42 min
- Shot On: D21 - HD
- Screen Ratio: 16:9
- Format: HD, 16:9
- Domestic Release: 2009-09-24
- Admission/rating: 1,1 mill viewers : program share 46%
- Director: Kasper Gaardsoe : Mogens Hagedorn
- Cast: Laura Dragsbak, Christian Tafdrup, Soes Egelind
- Director of Photography: Rasmus Heise, Soren Bay
- Film Editors: Lars Therkelsen : Morten Egholm
- Sound Editors: Peter Schultz : Bobby Hess
- Script Writers: Mette Heneo
- Production Company: Cosmo Film A/S
- Producers: Mie Andreasen
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